DECEMBER 9, 2022

What is adaptation in plants?

What is adaptation in plants?

An adaptation is a change in the body or behaviour of an organism that helps it to survive. For example, a cactus that has adapted to live in deserts cannot grow in marshy land. Similarly, pine tree will not grow in the desert. All living things, animals and plants, adapt to their surroundings to survive. The natural home of a plant or an animal is called its habitat.

Plants are found everywhere on the Earth- land, water, oceans, rivers, deserts and mountains. These places are different from each other. Some of these places receive more rainfall while some places are very dry. Some places experience snowfall and are very cold while some places experience high temperature and humid conditions. The soil also differs from place to place. It can be sandy, clayey or loamy. Different types of soils can hold different amount of water and nutrients. Hence, plants develop special features to live successfully in their unique surroundings. This helps them to survive and grow.

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